Beast 12.92 Miles 4,569FT Total Climb Ultra Beast 25.84 Miles 9,138FT Total Climb
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Beast 12.92 Miles 4,569FT Total Climb Ultra Beast 25.84 Miles 9,138FT Total Climb
Read More »You run an entry level obstacle course race. You sign up for another one. You join a few Facebook groups, update your profile pic (fire jump picture of course), and add a bunch of new friends on social media that you met over the weekend. More training, more races, more mud and obstacles, and more friends. Those involved in obstacle course racing know, it is a unique breed of people that seek out this lifestyle. Why do we pay (often a lot of money) to “suffer”? Is it truly for our own challenge? Is it for the sense of accomplishment we feel at the finish line? In today’s sedentary society, in a world of automation, are we seeking an experience that's closer to our long lost ancestors? Are we trying to replicate their struggle to survive in the environment? Is life just too comfortable and boring now? Or… could it be purely narcissism? With the boom of social media, are we looking to shock our Facebook friends with our new muddy profile pictures? Is it to boost our own ego? Scott Keneally attempts to answer these questions in the documentary, Rise of the Sufferfests. A must watch for any OCR athlete.
Read More »Personally, I hate having my activity data distributed across multiple apps. I have Strava, Peloton, …
Read More »The leaves changing color, cooler temperatures, pool closings, back to school; all signs that Fall is approaching, right? Nope! It means it’s time for the Spartan Ultra in Killington!
Read More »One of the biggest complaints I have for Peloton is that lack of integration with …
Read More »With this year's race season getting into swing, there are a lot of things we are doing to prepare ourselves for our individual events. We are training on the regular, making sure our gear is up to par, but are you getting yourself truly prepared for your next race? We've aimed to make that much easier with a new release of our OCR Preparedness spreadsheet.
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