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Treat or Prevent IT Band Syndrome

Many of us have been there; we are training hard, running hard, then we start to feel some discomfort on the outside of our thigh down to the knee. Some of us ignore it until it is too late, some of us start taking the time to understand what is going on and correct it or treat it. Usually, in a runner, this is the start of ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome). If you let it linger too long, you can put yourself out of commission quickly. The best thing to do is start treating it before it even happens.

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OCRAddict’s 2017 Guide to Ultra Beast Training

We at OCRAddict have been successful by looking at things differently and by doing so, we have helped bring new Ultra Beasts to the racer. In 2017, Colorado, Texas, and the UB Championships have all been introduced due, in part, to our interaction with Joe DeSena and Team. On that note, and wanting to bring things to the next level, here is another take on Ultra Beast training. Our first training plan was designed to address two areas. First, ‘what is the true obstacle of completing an Ultra Beast?’ which is embracing the suck and learning to tell that voice in your head saying that you cannot do it to go to hell. The next is if you are already beast length ready, but only have a commercial/basic gym to work with and how you can prepare for an Ultra Beast. The idea for that plan was to get you to a buckle, glow in the dark medal, or one time only high-five for your efforts. The idea for this guide is if you’ve been DNF’ing due to a lack of physical preparation causing; this article will help in getting you to that finish line. If you have been finishing, hopefully, we can help move you up to the top 50% or 25% of finishers.

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