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Sand Bag / Log Carry

Like the Bucket Brigade, the Sand Bag carry is one of the more challenging obstacles. Although this obstacle doesn't require any amazing acrobatic skills, it will test your intestinal fortitude. Men and women alike will carry a bag filled with sand up and down steep inclines to insure that your legs feel the burn. Like the Sand Bag Carry, there are variations of this obstacle in which you will carry a heavy log around a similar stretch of landscape.

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Atlas Carry

You are going to want to get real low to the ground to grab that stone, so hopefully your squat form is impeccable. You are going to pick up the stone, carry it to the other flag, do five burpees and come back. Keep a flat back as you pick up and lower the stone, and move quickly. Don’t cheat on those burpees either, chest to grass and feet off the ground for it to count.

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