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Spartan Super Las Vegas 2016 Review

Las Vegas Super. With a name like that, you would think that the Super would be in Las Vegas, nope. Instead, Hafen Ranch in Arizona is the destination. A short 1:43 drive (from where I was staying in Henderson) is all that separates me from my start time. I wasn’t exactly sure what I should expect from Hafen Ranch, but it sure doesn’t look like the mountains of Vermont, or NJ for that matter. Open mind, open heat.

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Conquer The Gauntlet Interview

Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with David Mainprize of Conquer the Gauntlet about his take on OCR. Conquer the Gauntlet recently announced a Pro Team with lots of familiar faces, including Christina Armstrong “Honey Badger/HB” of Death Race and TPK Endurance notoriety, Matt “The Mudder” Willis of the NBC Spartan Show, and Brenna “The Red Beast” Calvert of Broken Skull Challenge. I have the privilege of knowing these three, so when they attached their names to this series it made me take notice as a race I should be looking at, and I will at their Dallas Event on May 14th. This is an event that, by the way, is going to have some huge names not attached to the series participating. #EFFNorm hint hint among others.

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