Joe DiFiglia
October 25, 2022
Usually when something stupid happens I ask a simple question "Is it me?" Most of the time I come back with, "It might be me..." This time it isn't me. Truthfully, there has been a meaningful period of time where I haven't been particularly active on the Spartan Facebook pages. There was a time when I/We were extremely active in the Spartan community, and in the OCR community in general. However, I can remember when it all changed and I remember my frustration when they started moderating content, any and all content. I feel like they have gone too far now, and it is at a point where it is just flat out dumb.
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Joe DiFiglia
July 10, 2019
I think it needs to be said that Spartan Race has finally figured it out. In years past, Spartan races have been widely inconsistent, but these last two years have seen some changes that have given us a more consistent race experience from one of the most recognizable names in Obstacle Course Racing.
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Joe DiFiglia
September 8, 2017
If you have ever run a Spartan Race, you will have probably heard about Spartan SGX or have seen some of the propaganda in the festival areas at one of their races. Many times, there will be a certified Spartan SGX coach running a warm-up session just prior to your start time, Spartan will be hosting SGX events nearby, or a local gym will be advertising that they are SGX certified. The question is, what exactly is Spartan SGX, and what can it do for you?
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Joe DiFiglia
August 21, 2016
There are three elements to the Spartan Delta's endurance trifecta. Having captured one piece at the beginning of the year by surviving Norm's New Jersey Ultra Beast course, I had decided that I would do whatever it takes this year to get the others and complete the Trifecta. My Hurricane Heat would come from Boston, and the final piece of the pie would come from none other than Palmerton and the HH12HR-021, lead by Mr. Rob Barger.
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Joe DiFiglia
August 7, 2016
If you have done one, you have done them all. I have heard that plenty of times regarding Spartan Race. The difference between Sprint races isn't really its obstacles, it is the different courses. Palmerton has its own unique characteristics, as does Ohio, and the same goes for Tuxedo. Each year I come back to this mountain expecting something new and different. Each year builds on all the positives from the previous year, with one exception. More on that later.
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Joe DiFiglia
July 26, 2016
Over the last few years, I have grown quite comfortable with the Spartan Race obstacles. I can tackle most of them without issue. There are the few like the rig, the spear throw, and the Z-wall that usually have me doing burpees. Sometimes it is because of environmental issues (mud), sometimes it is because of grip strength, and sometimes it is just because the Spartan gods have a great sense of humor. In an effort to stay fresh and learn something new, I wanted to see what the Spartan Obstacle Specialist course was all about, and if the money spent on it would be worth the time and the effort.
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Joe DiFiglia
June 6, 2016
Having completed many Spartan races, things need a little spice once in a while. After completing my first Ultra Beast in the Great Garden State, I noticed that my piece of the pie looked a bit lonely. A black wedge just doesn't look right amongst the blues, reds, and greens of the Spartan World. I decided to start the journey to completing the proper Endurance Trifecta. With that in mind, I signed up for the Boston Hurricane Heat HH-088. Having never done a Hurricane Heat, I went into the event with little knowledge. Here is what I learned.
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Joe DiFiglia
May 16, 2016
A few weeks ago, a bunch of us decided to run one of the hardest races that many of us have ever attempted, The Tri-State New Jersey Ultra Beast. That race truly did a number on some of us, especially me, my knees, and my feet. I decided to take the week after light and signed up for the Ohio Beast and Sprint races. I had done the Beast in 2014 (my third Spartan Race ever) and remember the course being... well... flat. I figured this would be a nice break from the grueling course we faced in NJ and would serve as a nice recovery run.
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Joe DiFiglia
May 5, 2016
Spartan has been holding their races in the Tri-State area since I first learned of their series. Through these years, the Super had been the primary focus with a Beast thrown in the mix later. This year, things would be different. This year, New Jersey would host its first Ultra …
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Joe DiFiglia
May 2, 2016
When I signed up for the NJ Ultra Beast, I didn't have any idea what I was in for. I mean, you hear about the mileage and the number of obstacles, but you really won't get it until you try it. Also, I joined the best Facebook group on the planet and talked with everyone I could, but having attempted the race, none of that matters. With that said, I learned some valuable lessons that I feel I should share with you.
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