
Tag Archives: Bone Frog Challenge

Bonefrog Challenge Atlantic City Sprint 2016 Review

It seems like there are too many of us dedicated to just one race series. Think about it, imagine eating vanilla ice cream your entire life but always hearing about how awesome chocolate was, and never trying it. That is what OCR seems like. Many of us know there are other races out there, what we don't know is that we just might like them. Some of us that run with the big boys (Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc) have a tendency to forget that there are plenty of other fish in this pond. Unfortunately, many of the smaller organizers don't have the capital or resources to put together 60+ events all over the country or spend a million dollars a month in advertising; if you happen to hear that they are coming to your town, you may want to seriously consider trying them out. Get your spoon out of the vanilla, and think about the chocolate...

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Bone Frog Challenge

9+ Miles. 36+ Obstacles. Hills. Mud. Harder than Hell. Join U.S. Navy SEALs for an event you will never forget. With a minimum of 36 Navy SEAL-style obstacles spread out over 9 miles, the course will test everyone and leave no one unscathed. We place an obstacle approximately every 1/4-mile so your running ability alone will not carry the day. You must be functionally fit to succeed here. You will get muddy. You will get beat up. You will be exhausted. But you will finish.

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