
Arctic Enema 2.0

A nerve-wracking update to Tough Mudder’s signature ice bath obstacle, Arctic Enema 2.0 forces Mudders down a short slide, under a chain-link fence, and into freezing cold ice water. Once submerged, Mudders must boost themselves and fellow Mudders over a wood partition in the middle of the vessel before emerging victorious.

Obstacle History

History: Introduced at TM Austin in 2011, the first version of Arctic Enema, then called ‘Chernobyl Jacuzzi,’ was simply a hole in the ground filled with ice. Subsequent designs transferred the ice bath to a Dumpster and added a partition to force full submersion. In 2015, Arctic Enema is getting its biggest upgrade yet, with a confined slide into the Dumpster and a physical challenge immediately after. Like a fine wine, this one keeps getting better with age.

Suggested Training

Cold showers – 15 minutes, 3x weekly
Jog in the ocean (chest deep) – 10 minutes, 2x weekly
Hold your breath – 30 seconds, inhale quickly, hold again for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Lateral Step Ups – Perform 10 reps with each leg. Rest for 90 seconds. Perform 3 rounds.
Squats – Perform 15 reps. Rest for 1 minute. Repeat for 3 rounds.
Sprints – Sprint 100 meters. Rest 2 minutes. Repeat 6 times.

Tough Mudder Tips

The last thing you want to do is hesitate here. Just take a deep breath and pitch yourself down the slide. Take a quick second breath when you pop up and quickly climb over the partition. Move quickly and don’t stop moving – the faster you are, the better off you’ll be.

Joe DiFiglia
Author: Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

About Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

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