

Get your Andy Dufresne on and take on the slow, steady crawl through an inclined, mud-infested (yes, it’s only mud) tube leading out to a backwards drop into a water pit. Grip the rope dangling from the top of the tube and slide your way toward the light at the end of the tunnel.

Appearing at Tough Mudder and Tough Mudder Half

Suggested Training

Purchase an inner city apartment. Practice navigating within constricting spaces. Twice per week, fill your bathtub with cold water and flop into it.

Plank Holds – Beginning on elbows, alternating lifting legs and arms, one at a time, for 30 seconds each. After each set of 4, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
Calf raises – Perform 20 reps. Rest for 90 seconds. Repeat for 2 more rounds.
Barbell Row – Complete 10 reps with each arm. Rest 2 minutes. Complete 3 rounds.

Tough Mudder Tips

Think small. Trying to crawl on your hands and knees will only make things worse. Brace your hands and feet against the sides of the tube and slither up on your belly. When you see the light at the end of the tunnel, roll over and pull yourself towards the exit on your back. From there – just scrunch up, fall back, and enjoy the plop.

Joe DiFiglia
Author: Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

About Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

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