
Prepare to suffer, Spartan. We have you right where we want you.

In light of the upcoming holiday (yes, Halloween is a holiday in my book), the folks at Spartan have put together a workout from hell.  Get ready and get going… Let’s hear what you think in the comments below.  AROO!


Joe DiFiglia
Author: Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

About Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

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