
Pole Dancer

Making Olympic parallel bars look like a preschool playground attraction, Pole Dancer is the ultimate test of tricep toughness. On this obstacle, Mudders must navigate up and down two slippery, wobbly bars using only their hands and arms. Get all bent out of shape and plummet to a pool below.

Suggested Training

Put on your favourite foul-weather film (we suggest Twister or The Perfect Storm) to get in the Tough Mudder zone. While watching, perform chair dips at 1 minute intervals, until failure.

Dips – Perform 10 reps. Rest 3 minutes. Repeat for 3 rounds.
Thrusters – Complete 15 reps. Rest for 3 minutes. Repeat 3 times
Planks – After each set of 4, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Tough Mudder Tips

You don’t have to be a gymnast to conquer this obstacle – but it doesn’t hurt to wear a ridiculous spandex outfit. (That’s more just for our entertainment, though.) You’re going to need some serious triceps strength and good technique: keep your arms locked and don’t break at the elbows. Keep some momentum to swing yourself through.

Joe DiFiglia
Author: Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

About Joe DiFiglia

Fitness and sport enthusiast. Spartan Race Junky. I have been a martial artist since the age of 4 and addicted to anything challenging. Years of Martial Arts training provides the ability to keep going when my body really wants to quit.

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