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Creating Events


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How to create an event

You can create a new calendar entry by selecting the "Create Event" button as shown in the image below


Click to Create


Once selected, you will be shown the Event creation screen. Fill in the relevant details for your event within the form provided to create your event. Some of the finer elements of this page are discussed below.


Basic event creation


You may also notice in the bottom left, you can select a timezone. This is handy if you have an event going on in another part of the world, and you are not currently in that location. You can change this so it shows correctly to the correct people.


Using correct timezones

Repeating Events

You will see you can select "This event repeats" in the checkbox above. This will show you options to repeat an event. As you can see in the image below, this can be quite powerful and you can create these in many different ways.


Save time by repeating events

Event Locations

You can optionally add the location of the event and an album which shows images of the event. When adding the location it will show a handy map of the location in which the event is located. 

You can also allow people to RSVP the event to say whether or not they are attending.


Enter the location to show this on your event


Adding a location will show a map to the event location.


Maps will be shown of the location if mapping is enabled

Similar Events

If an event has been done in the past, you can save time by selecting to create a similar event from an old event. Within each calendar event, you will see a button to create a similar event. This will pre-populate the details in event creation, with those same details.


Add a similar event

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