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Create and Manage a Club/Team! ×

How to create a Club/Team


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There are 5 different types of clubs that a member can create, if they have permission to do so. These are as follows:

  • Public - Everyone can see these clubs and their posts. Members can participate within that club without the need to join.
  • Open - Everyone can see these clubs and their posts, however you have to join the club in order to participate. Anyone can join.
  • Closed - Everyone can see the club, and can see who is in that club, but only members of that club can participate. Users need to ask a leader of that club in order to join.
  • Private - Thee clubs can only be seen by member of that club. Users would need to be invited by a leader of that club.
  • Read Only - These are read only clubs that can only be added to by the leader of that club. Members cannot add content.

Creating Clubs

Members can create new clubs on the front end from the clubs page, using the "Start a Club" button provided. Simply fill in the detail required on that page, and save to initially create the club itself. 


Adding Features

Once created, click the club to enter. Initially, you will be presented with just the home tab, which shows a stream of all activity within that club. You now need to select "Manage Club" to add more tabs to the club, such as forums, an images section etc.


You will note at the bottom there is an additional "Add Page" setting. This will allow you to add a page fully created by yourself to the club. This may be because you want to add an extra information page or any number of additional uses.

Reordering Menus

Added on version 4.4 is the ability to re-order club menus. To do this, select the "Manage Club' option within the club itself, then select Reorder Menu. Once selected you will be able to drag and drop menu items into the order you would like them to show. This can be seen in the image below.


Club Rules

You can add and amend terms from the initial club settings when you set up the club, or later by selecting "Edit Club Settings" from the Manage Club menu. 

On selection this will give you the opportunity to add some rules, or amend any in which you already have, along with the ability to force people who join the club to acknowledge them.


Note, if you change your rules, you can use the selection at the bottom to force people to re-acknowledge.

Moderators & Leaders

Within clubs, the creator change members of that club to be moderators or leaders. The difference in these is as follows.

Leaders - A leader can moderate content and manage members in the club, including making other members leaders. The creator of the club initially, is a leader

Moderators - A moderator can moderate content only. They cannot make any structural changes to the group, nor make any other members leader or moderator.

You can change a member to a leader or moderator, from the members tab within any club, as shown in the image below.


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